

What are Skin Boosters?

Skin boosting are used to achieve skin improvements through a series of treatments using hyaluronic acid injections into the dermal layer of your skin. They offer an easy and effective way to obtain a glowing complexion and improve the overall quality of your skin. They increase skin hydration, delaying and reversing the ageing process and reduce signs of ageing. 
Once injected into the dermis (outter skin layer), hyaluronic acid components draw water into the layers of the skin, restoring the skin hydration balance, creating volume, increasing skin turgor, and improving the structure and elasticity of the skin. They can also improve skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production.

What are the benefits of Skin Booster?

Skin Boosters are an amazing way to improve the overall appearance and quality of your skin. Some of the benefits of Skin Boosters include:
  • Radiant, glowing complexion
  • Improve skin tone & texture
  • Improve skin firmness
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce dry, crepey skin
  • Tighter/lifted skin
  • Control the signs ageing
  • Provides hydration
  • Improve the appearance of dark circles
  • Stimulates collagen & elastin production for healthier skin 
  • Can be used to treat face, hands, neck & chest/decolletage

Are skin boosters better or

the same as dermal fillers?

Whilst both skin boosters and dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, they are formulated differently and are used to achieve different goals. Dermal filler is used to add volume to fill lines and wrinkles, also contour the face to lift and define facial features. This is obtained as a result of cross linking the Dermal Filler, which makes it a more viscous product and lasts longer to restore lost tissue volume. Skin Boosters are not cross linked which means they can disperse more easily within the skin, delivering hydration and plumping the skin from within.
Skin boosters can be a fantastic stand-alone or complementary treatment with dermal fillers for someone who wants to achieve a more glowing and youthful apperance. When these treatments are combined, you can achieve even better results if dermal fillers are suitable for your facial anatomy. There is also the added benefit of being able to treat the neck, chest and hands with skin boosters for a total anti-ageing effect.

Are there any side effects?

Skin boosters are safe with little to no downtime. As with any injectable treatment you may experience short term swelling, bruising and redness to the injection site. It is common to have small bumps where the product was injected, but these typically disappear within a few hours as the products disperses into the skin.
Our healthcare professionals provide effective aftercare advise and to help you manage any concerns.